Conversation XLVIII

Conversation XLVIII

Uriel Orlow

talk with Melanie Boehi
5/05/16 18h
Le foyer Zurich 

5 May 2016

IVAHM 2016

IVAHM 2016

Igor Grubic

05/05 - 15/05/16
IVAHM – Art House Madrid – La Neomudejar, Madrid

5 May 2016



Igor Grubic

03/05/16 at 8 pm
Art-kino, Rijeka, Croatia

3 May 2016

Islas Nuevas

Islas Nuevas

Adelita Husni Bey

group exhibition
03/05 - 28/06/16
Galería Macchina
Campus Oriente UC, Santiago

3 May 2016

Enjoy your Struggles

Enjoy your Struggles

Jonas Staal

group exhibition
29/04 - 21/05/16
Studio Gallery, Budapest

29 April 2016



Lawrence Abu Hamdan

group exhibition
27/04 - 21/08/16
Beirut Art Center

27 April 2016

Untitled (two takes on crisis)

Untitled (two takes on crisis)

Adelita Husni Bey

group exhibition
23/04 - 12/06/16
de Appel arts centre Amsterdam

23 April 2016

Art Brussels

Art Brussels

Jonas Staal

art fair
with the support of Mondriaan fonds

22 April 2016

Framing reality

Framing reality

Igor Grubic

solo exhibition curated by Branka Benčić
22/04 - 22/05/16
Gradske galerije Osijek

22 April 2016

Chronic, Contemporary Image Collective 

Chronic, Contemporary Image Collective 

Uriel Orlow

group exhibition curated by Andrea Thal
20/04 - 04/06/16,  
Contemporary Image Collective (CIC), Cairo

20 April 2016
