International Documentary and Short Film Festival - Dokufest

International Documentary and Short Film Festival - Dokufest

Igor Grubic

film festival
03 - 11/08/18
Marin Barleti, Prizren

3 August 2018

Il sospetto

Il sospetto

Moira Ricci

solo exhibition curated by Helga Marsala
31/07 - 16/09/18
Museo Archeologico Regionale Antonino Salinas, Palermo

31 July 2018

I Drank the Kool-Aid But I Didn’t Inhale

I Drank the Kool-Aid But I Didn’t Inhale

Maryam Jafri

solo exhibition
29/07 - 30/09/18
ICA, Los Angeles

29 July 2018

SUPERTOON - Intrernational Animation Festival

SUPERTOON - Intrernational Animation Festival

Igor Grubic

film competition
22 - 27/07/18
Galerija Matija, Petra Nakića, Sebenico

22 July 2018

Mannheimer Sommer

Mannheimer Sommer

Marinella Senatore

performance and group exhibition
parade 12/07 from 6pm
12/07 - 26/08/18
Kunsthalle Mannheim

12 July 2018

Heavenly Beings: Neither Human nor Animal

Heavenly Beings: Neither Human nor Animal

Igor Grubic

group exhibition
10/07 - 04/11/18
Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana

10 July 2018

The London Procession (2018)

The London Procession (2018)

Marinella Senatore

07/07/18 from 6pm
Hayward Gallery, London

7 July 2018



Igor Grubic

film festival
05 - 08/07/18
Veliki Tabor Castle, Desinić

5 July 2018

At the end of all human dreams there is nothing but dust

At the end of all human dreams there is nothing but dust

Adelita Husni Bey

double solo exhibition
30/06 - 08/09/18
adn galeria, Barcelona

30 June 2018

Subcontracted Nations

Subcontracted Nations

Uriel Orlow, Jonas Staal

group exhibition
28/06 - 29/09/18
A.M. Qattan Foundation, Ramallah

28 June 2018
